inflection 1.3.6 (2022-06-15)

  1. Fix minor issue of item values at help files for OS "-linux-x86_64-debian-clang", "r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc"

inflection 1.3.5 (2019-06-28)

New functions added for knee point estimation

The Unit Invariant Knee (UIK) estimator is described in article:

Vignettes added for the package

Install the inflection package and then read vignettes:

Minor changes

Remove the option to plot in two separate pdfs ‘ese_iterations.pdf’, ‘ede_iterations.pdf’ from findipiterplot() and open new plot windows instead of saving files.

inflection 1.3 (2017-05-13)

Use of parallel computing under request (doparallel=TRUE) for the functions:

Repair of function findipiterplot()

  1. Fix bugs in calling the function
  2. Remove indirect methods CRESE, CREDE due to their limited functionality
  3. Plot in two separate pdfs ‘ese_iterations.pdf’ and ‘ede_iterations.pdf’
  4. Check for the existence of sufficient number of results before creating confidence intervals

inflection 1.2 (2016-06-10)

  1. The function eixf(x, y, f, i) was removed as not essentially necessary
  2. New functions with self declaring names were added:
  1. The function findipiterplot(x,y,index) was improved and became findipiterplot(x, y, index, plots = TRUE, crossrun = FALSE, ci = FALSE)
  2. Changes in NAMESPACE
  3. Reference to new paper:

Demetris T. Christopoulos (2016). On the efficient identification of an inflection point.International Journal of Mathematics and Scientific Computing, (ISSN: 2231-5330), vol. 6(1).